After iOS 7 was announced, a lot of people started criticizing its icons. And suddenly every person is a designer, and in some ways even better than Apple. Though not everyone spent some time thinking about the actual design.
iOS 8 Infinity is a project to show Apple what we’d really want the icons to look like in their upcoming iOS release. It took over 3 months to complete this project and it is really beautiful. Unlike Apple, iOS 8 Infinity icons do follow the grid system and a specific color palette. They are consistent and harmonious.
This project shows what we really believe Apple is capable of. And together we’re asking Apple to rethink their iOS icon design. And we have a clear representation of what we want them to achieve.
To fix different size font in the dock, open iFile navigate to /var/stash/Themes.xxxxxx/iOS 8 Infinity. Open info.plist in text editor and find <key>DockedIconLabelStyle> add opacity: 1; font-size: 7.8pt; Add this line exactly as it is in <key>UndockedIconLabelStyle<key>